
This blog is for any of the friends, relatives or decedents of Egidio (James) and Felicetta (Fanny) Warino from Youngstown, Ohio. I hope we can use it as a tool to capture the memories of growing up in our family and the times we shared at Grandma's house on Truesdale Avenue.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Coffee and Cookies

I just got off the phone with Aunt Rose, we laughed so hard about this story I felt I should post it. Grandma used to tell this story to embarrass me. Here goes....

Grandma had some lady friends to the house. I think the group included Minnie Williams (her first husbands sister whom we always needed to show our best for). It was, as Grandma hoped , to be, a "nice visit", read you behave and make me proud. They even used saucers! However she asked, it sunk in and I was as good a little boy as I had ever been (I really was :-) ).

Coffee and cookies, lots of chatting and I was quite in the front room. Somehow a cup feel to the floor and broke. Hearing it I exclaimed "aht ta fav oot" , this was the Italian term I heard Grandma say a 1000 times when something went wrong. Clearly the true translation had escaped me...

I looked up to see four very stern looks from four very Italian women. Grandma grabbed me and was about to spank me, until it became apparent to her that I had no idea what the word/phrase meant. She blushed and all of her friends laughed and yelled "AHT TA FAV OOT".

It could mean anything, I dont really know. But be careful who you say it in front of.

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